Sunday, March 30, 2008

Goals, not resolutions.

Let's face it, making resolutions is such a waste of time. Hand up all those who haven't thought about half a dozen things, the so called " new year resolutions", on new years day.
If you're like me you would have made plans like:
lose 4-5 pounds;
don't buy any wool until you use up at least half of your stash yarn;
remember to start writing patterns when you start the project, not when you have almost finished it;
remember to update blog at least twice a week;
etc. etc....
And if you're like me, you would have kept on eating, started new projects forgetting to write patterns, postponed updating your blog until....tomorrow!
Well as I said, I don't believe in resolutions so this year I'm trying a different approach that seems to be working quite well: I'm concentrating on goals, weekly or monthly goals, it depends, and considering the amount of work I have been doing in the past couple of months chances are that this will be a productive year.
I'm also concentrating and trying hard to remove those imaginary limits that too often create a barrier between what I wish to do and what I'm able to accomplish.
Does it makes sense? It does to me.
My list of goals is quite a long one but I'm taking it easy because deadlines make me nervous. I think that about a dozen crochet schemes and writing down a complicated pattern is a good start, yes I am satisfied.
What's next? I have to check my list....I'll tell you later!

Meanwhile I shall leave you with a project and the pattern I wrote for it. It's actually a diagram with symbols and simple instructions.
Here's the project, I've called it Squares and fans cushion:

and here you will find the scheme and instructions.
I love the versatility of this pattern. Don't you think it's perfect for a centerpiece, a tablecloth, or even a baby blanket? Come on ladies...use your fantasy!