Wednesday, September 19, 2007

If only I had known.

Here I was, finally out of my summer apathy and ready to make the most of my renewed creativeness. First of all I planned to reorganize the house for the cold season which means mostly tidying up the wardrobes and the WIR in the main bedroom. Then I planned to make a tidy and comprehensive annotation of stash yarn and possible projects for each and every different type of wool, especially since I got this lovely lace weight just a few weeks ago on clearance: 50% of normal price: ( how could I resist?)

It seems that my plans will have to be postponed for the time being, but for as little as possible, because of a small inconvenience that suddenly appeared without warning:

I know what you must be thinking....YUK! That's exactly how I feel too. It's Herpes Zoster (shingles) on one of my legs. It's itchy, painful and uncomfortable. And I didn't even know such a thing existed until I decided to see a dermatologist for what I though were.....hear this.....mosquito bites!!
The man took but a glance at the red patch and started writing on his prescription pad with a concerned look on his face.
"You should have come here sooner.",he stated.
Sooner??, I thought.
" I assumed it was some kind of insect bite.", I answered.
" It's Herpes Zoster." he replied with a severe look.
"Oh, I had no idea!", I said, feeling like a real idiot.
".....mmmmm....", was his comment, and then went on for about twenty minutes explaining how the virus is the same that causes chicken-pox, that the rash will probably extend to a large part of my thigh and that the pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the Postherpetic Neuralgia that can last for many months, as the virus attacs the nerves.
".....mmmmmm.....", was MY comment!
Well, I walked out with a tablets-injections-ointment prescription, an appointment for next week, and a big headache.
So here I am now, paifully limping around the house feeling miserable and frustrated.
C'est la vie.....!

-to be continued..-

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