Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Now I know.

I'm feeling better. Being hyperactive most of the time I don't feel comfortable having to just sit and rest when there's so much work to be done around and outside the house. Now in particular, since the long dry and extremely hot weather seems to be finally over.
Suddenly I feel the urge to go out and walk around our property attracted by the the colours of a summer that refuses to give space to any other season.

Watch the autumn and winter fruits change their colour as they ripen.
Pears and persimmons,


the last prickly pears,

and the last tomatoes.

The conclusion of a vital cycle and the beginning of a new one.
And finally today the long desired rain.

My appointment with dermatologist went well. I'm still on antivirals and injections ( so painful!) and the convalescence will be long but I'll survive. ;)

Onto yarn related subjects.
Why do I find it so hard to throw away scraps? Is there a name for this syndrome?

I realize the possibilities are endless, I could make a big "magic ball", or maybe some domino squares, or some colourful granny squares. Or , better still, some cute little knitted or crocheted animals....any suggestions?

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